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TABLE MANNERS: Where Weaknesses Are Most Noticeable

Today, we will not discuss table setting and decoration. Instead, we prefer to focus on the correct behaviour when attending a lunch or dinner and facing a formally set table.

The dining table is one of those moments of conviviality where weaknesses become more evident.

IL COMPORTAMENTO A TAVOLA: dove i punti deboli si notano di più

Modern society, with its increasingly hectic pace, leaves less and less room for improving and refining our table manners. In fact, it is becoming more common to see even prominent figures publicly displaying a lack of knowledge of proper table etiquette.

Today, we will list some behaviours considered "mistakes", which simply indicate a lack of awareness of basic etiquette rules:

• Not waiting for the host to start or give the signal to begin

• Incorrect use of cutlery

• Improper use of glasses

• Inappropriate posture at the table

• Lack of control over voice tone and manners while speaking

• Improper use of the napkin

• Drinking before the toast

• Cutting all the food at once

• Inappropriate gestures with cutlery

• Using a mobile phone at the table

• Not keeping up with the pace of the meal

• Not placing cutlery correctly when finished eating

• Incorrect use of the bread and butter plate

• Overfilling the fork or spoon, slurping soup, or blowing on hot food are considered bad manners

• Not participating in the social conversation happening around us

• Ignoring the rules regarding the coffee moment

• Not recognising the signs indicating the end of the dinner

• Failing to properly thank the host for the invitation

• Not understanding the right moment to leave

The opportunity to attend high-level social events can provide a chance to learn indirectly by observing the behaviour of others in settings such as dinners or grand events. However, not everyone has this ability to observe: many continue to make mistakes, exposing themselves to criticism from other guests or the host, who may not appreciate this lack of etiquette and decide not to extend another invitation in the future.

Paying attention to good table manners is not just a matter of form, but a sign of respect for others and a reflection of one’s elegance and social awareness. Ignoring etiquette can have subtle yet significant consequences, influencing how others perceive us and, in some cases, even future opportunities.




business etiquette academy
business etiquette academy

The Music House – 34 Bridge Street – Bungay


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